Our Services

Photo of a quirky op shop in Tokyo, Japan, which is downstairs and has clothes on display in the outdoor staircase.

Who is this service for?

Our vision for this service is to support individuals who may otherwise find it challenging to get to an op-shop themselves. We’ve found some people may find it hard to get there because of physical reasons, such as being unable to drive or being immunocompromised, or it may be other reasons, such as finding the thought of op-shopping in-store just a bit too overwhelming.

We totally understand, and are here to be your support to get you back into op-shopping. We find many of us also know someone in this situation, so we also arrange the service to be coordinated as a gift you can provide for a loved one.

Everyone is welcome.

Emerald Again aims to be accessible and flexible. We want everyone to be able to enjoy a virtual op-shopping experience that best suits their needs.

  • Our sessions can either be done on a one-to-one video conference basis, or we can arrange for a group video-conference session too.

  • A central part of second-hand shopping is the browse. I often go for a second-hand shop with the intention to just “window-shop” - which means I’m going more for the experience of just having a look around. So please don’t feel pressure that you must purchase.

    Alternatively, I’m very happy to help with any purchases should you find anything you like (I’ve also had many second-hand shops where I expect to just go for a browse, and then find some great hidden gems), and happy to coordinate getting those goods into your hands soon after.

  • Let me know if you’re keen on the idea of getting back into second-hand browsing and in a more accessible way, but none of these options quite fit. I’m happy to try work out something together.

  • Our services are offered Monday - Friday, with browsing sessions taking place between the hours of 9.30am-3pm. If you’d prefer a session on the weekend, I’m happy to also try make that work.

The Process


One-to-one package

A one-to-one virtual browsing and op-shopping experience with me, that’s tailored to your interests.

This includes:

  • a pre-browse phone chat together: I find it’s valuable to get to know each other a bit first, and discuss your interests and any needs you have

  • a 75 minute video-call browse and shop together

  • facilitated payment and postage of any items found

  • a virtual cup-of-tea video-call, approximately a week after the shop. To reminisce our experience, and organise staying in touch.

Group package

A group of two or three participants, going on a virtual browsing and op-shopping experience together.

This includes:

  • individual pre-browse phone chats for each participant: I like to get to know each of you, and discuss needs and interests.

  • a 90 minute video-call browse and shop all together as a group

  • facilitated payment and postage of any items found

  • a group virtual cup-of-tea video group call, approximately a week after the chat. To reminisce our experience, and organise staying in touch.

NDIS & aged-care funding

This service is available for NDIS participants as a community participation activity. We’d love to help you meet your goals in your plan

NDIS Worker Screening ID: 26969158

We love to also support home-care packages, and can work with aged-care providers to facilitate this.

Custom package

Let me know if there’s another way I can help you or a loved one access op- shopping. I’d love to have a chat about how we can make it work.


The price includes a fee for the service delivery, which can be covered by aged-care and NDIS funding. Cost of items wished to be purchased and their postage can be invoiced separately.

Gift vouchers

Please get in touch if you’d like to purchase this service as a gift. We’d love to help your loved one / friend enjoy the experience of op-shop browsing again.


  • Definitely not. I’m actually not an expert either! The technology used is widely available, and which many of us have become quite closely accustomed to in recent years, such as Zoom or FaceTime. I’m happy to try make it work if you have an alternative preferred platform you like to use - please let me know.

  • Any amount of experience in op- shopping can participate in this service - you might have none, a little, some, lots, or be a complete fanatic - all of these are completely great.

    I’m happy to adjust the service according to what will help you to feel comfortable, and enjoy our time together.

  • Often when we imagine second-hand shops, we mainly think about clothing - but there’s so much more there! There’s home-wares, kitchen-ware, bags, books, accessories, jewellery, stationery, furniture, sewing and crafting needs, kids toys… and a whole lot of other random things that just turn up.

    I think another great thing about second-hand shopping that’s often forgotten is that items can not only be purchased for yourself, but for others too. I often find that even if I don’t find a hidden gem for myself, I might find one that’s a great gift for a friend, niece / nephew, grandparent, kris kringle gift, and others!

  • Not at all. This is completely up to you. I’ve gone into a second-hand store many times, and walked out without anything, but still enjoyed the experience of seeing what was there. I love the stories and nostalgia when browsing, such as remembering items we used to have, or wondering about the life an item had before it landed on the second-hand shelf.

    I also feel good knowing that a browse has meant that I’ve tried to see if there’s anything second-hand that I could’ve purchased instead of finding it new - and these needs often don’t make themselves apparent until I see them (e.g. “Ah, that photo frame would be perfect for that picture I’ve got lying around”, or, “My neighbour mentioned they love mugs with frogs on them - I’ll get them this one!”).

    Purchasing second-hand instead of new often requires a personal commitment to spending extra time browsing than we would if we just decided to get new things - luckily the process can be quite enjoyable, and feels good as you know you’re doing the right thing for the planet.

  • I want your experience to feel risk-free, and I understand it’s challenging to purchase clothing without having tried it on. I have an arrangement with second-hand shops that if there’s a clothing item which reasonably requires trying-on to assess it’s fit, and you find it doesn’t fit when you receive it, they’re happy for you to send it back to me if it’s in the same condition as when it was purchased, and I’ll return it on your behalf for a refund.

    I think it’s worth noting that sometimes this may not be worth it as the cost of postage may be more than the cost of the item itself, but we can work that out as we go.

  • This can be a tricky one when second-hand shopping! Second-hand shopping is a bit different to traditional shopping, where you can have something in mind and expect to find it at certain shops.

    I find with second-hand shopping, the thrill comes from a few factors:

    1) There isn’t a guarantee in what you’ll find, so it’s more exciting when you do find something you need / like.

    2) The browse is a unique experience in itself. No two second-hand shops are the same, and the types of items are those which often bring about nostalgia, intrigue, personal stories otherwise not shared, and even some hilarity. I love experiencing this with others, whether we purchase something or not.

    3) Often we don’t know we’ve been looking for something, until it appears before our eyes at a second-hand shop! So it’s often best to go in with an open-mind for what you might find.

    4) It feels great to know that even if looking for something more specific (e.g. a water jug, or pair of pants), even if it takes a couple of shops to find one you like, you’ve managed to find one that is now being re-used rather than going to landfill. And even better, you might also find one that you couldn’t usually afford, or from a brand you wouldn’t usually think to shop.

  • These things happen! I just ask that you let me know as soon as you can. I’m happy to organise a re-schedule if there’s 48 hours notice, and I’ll also do one re-schedule if it’s less than 24 hours notice (as I know sometimes we just don’t get much notice when life happens - please note though that if it happens multiple times, I’ll need to consider it a cancellation as I’m unable to book in other shops during that time).

    For NDIS participants, I follow the NDIS pricing arrangements and guidelines for rescheduling and cancellations.